Data Visualization


Tableau Logo   Tableau
With Tableau, users can upload data from spreadsheets, cloud-based data management software, and online databases and merge them to identify trends, filter databases, and forecast
outcomes. Users also can drag and drop information to transform data and instantly create charts and visualizations. 
Infogram Logo   Infogram
Infogram allows users to make static and interactive charts, maps, and infographics from its library of design templates,
images, icons, and GIFs. The software includes a free basic
version with limited access to templates as well as paid versions that grant customers wider design and customization options. 
ChartBlocks Logo   ChartBlocks
ChartBlocks offers template for various types of charts that
enable users to build custom charts that incorporate data from multiple data sources. The charts can be embedded on websites and social media platforms, and may also be exported as vector graphics that can be edited and transformed in other graphics packages like Adobe Illustrator.
Datawrapper Logo   Datawrapper
Datawrapper allows users to produce interactive charts, maps, and tables that can be embedded onto their websites.
Datawrapper templates also customizable, which allows users to generate visualizations that match their news outlet’s branding style.
Plotly Logo   Plotly
This software allows users to create interactive, D3 javascript charts, then export them into reports and customizable
dashboards. Plotly’s Dash platform is a Python framework through which users can build apps to analyze their data sets. 
RAWGraphs Logo   RAWGraphs
With RAWGraphs, users can import data from .csv, .tsv, Excel, and Google Spreadsheet files and build custom graphs and charts that best illustrate the findings. Users can also map the variables within the data set to transform the visualizations and
extrapolate further findings from the data.
Visually Logo   Visually
Visually pairs users with a team of graphic designers and data specialists who create spec data visualizations, videos,
infographics, and other digital content. The services are priced based on the needs and goals of the specific project.
Google Charts Logo   Google Charts
Google’s free Charts software creates customizable c
harts, maps, and diagrams from imported datasets. 
Google Data Studio Logo   Google Data Studio
With Google Data Studio, users can clean and transform raw data into metrics to produce charts, graphs, and maps. The software also allows users to build reports and customizable and
shareable dashboards to visualize and measure information. 
Charted Logo   Charted
Charted automatically creates line or bar charts from uploaded .CSV
, .TSV, Google spreadsheets, or Dropbox files. Users have
limited customization options, such as choosing a black or white background, editing titles and labels, and whether to use raw or rounded values.
DataHero Logo   DataHero
DataHero generates suggested charts and graphs based on users’ uploaded data, which can be customized through drag-and-drop design tools. Users can import data from any cloud-based
platform such as GoogleDrive, DropBox, or Salesforce, and save all created charts on a single shareable dashboard for data
analysis and project collaboration. 
VIDI is a data visualization software that lets users create charts, maps, timelines, and infographics from customizable templates. 
Qlik Sense Logo   Qlik Sense
Qlik Sense is a data analysis tool that produces “smart
visualizations” to illustrate key insights from imported data in the form of charts, graphs, and tables. The visualizations are
connected together and instantly update as users click, alter, and explore the data sets. 
HighCharts Logo   Highcharts
Highcharts is Javascript charting software that helps users create various types of interactive line, bar, pie, scatter point, bubble, and 3D charts that also can be transformed to illustrate dynamic changes in the data over time. The software is free for
non-commercial use by individuals, nonprofits, and schools. 
JoliCharts Logo   Jolicharts
With Jolicharts, users can create data slideshows that incorporate interactive charts, graphs, maps, infographics, and images to build cohesive presentations highlighting the key findings in their data. Users can upload files, import data from Google
Spreadsheets, or directly connect to databases like MySQL or
Zoho Reports Logo   Zoho Reports
Zoho Reports allows users to produce charts, tables, and widgets that can be incorporated into reports or custom dashboards. Zoho Reports also provides statistical analysis tools, data
blending to merge data from different sources, and adjustable permission controls for group collaboration and report sharing. 
Vida provides customizable templates for charts, graphs, and maps that can be built from open-source data. The visualizations can be shared and embedded on various online platforms or transformed into interactive dashboards. 
SIMILE Widgets Logo   SIMILE Widgets
SIMILE Widgets’ Exhibit platform allows users to build web pages featuring interactive visualizations like maps, charts, and
timelines using open-source data. 
StatSilk Logo   StatSilk
This free software lets users create charts and graphs with up to five variables or indicators. The visualizations can be enhanced with animations to illustrate changes over time as well as
drop-down menus to compare different variables. 
Timeline Logo   Timeline
Knight Lab’s Timeline software allows users to create interactive timelines to chronologically narrate a series of news events. Users input date, text, and media data into the program’s Google Spreadsheet template to produce a timeline that can be
published online.  
Datamatic Logo
Datamatic offers templates for maps, charts, and other
visualizations that users can customize to present their data and findings. The software is operated by Google and comes in free and premium versions for individuals and businesses. 
Data-Driven Documents Logo   Data-Driven Documents
This software features a Javascript library and lets users create charts, graphs, maps, and diagrams.  
InfoVis Logo   JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit
This software provides codes, guides, and tutorials for building charts, graphs, maps, and data visualizations using Javascript.
Power BI Logo   Microsoft Power BI
Microsoft’s Power BI software provides business intelligence and data analytics tools to clean and transform data, merge data from different sources, and perform grouping, clustering, and
forecasting to find patterns in the data. Power BI also features dozens of apps to create infographics, charts, graphs, and other data visualizations. 
IBM Watson Analytics Logo   IBM Watson Analytics
This software enables users to more easily clean and refine date and perform advanced analytics to identify trends and insights. IBM Watson Analytics features one-click smart data discovery and automated predictive analytics to uncover findings, as well as drag-and-drop templates to visualize data in interactive charts and dashboards. 
IBM Analytics Logo   IBM Analytics
IBM Analytics includes various products for analyzing and
visualizing data, including a comprehensive data management platform, advanced prescriptive modeling tools, SPSS statistical analysis software, and smart data discovery. 
ThingLink Logo   ThingLink
enables users to create interactive infographics and maps that link to additional images, videos, and content to
provide more information
or issue a call-to-action to viewers. The platform also allows users to create 360°/virtual reality tours and images. 
Quadrigram Logo   Quadrigram
With Qudarigram, users can create a variety of interactive maps and visualizations, including animated maps, network diagrams that depict the intensity of relationships between different
variables, and “quadrification” charts that illustrate data
according to its size within the overall dataset. The software is available in free and pro versions.