Data Analysis Tools


SAS Logo   SAS Analytics Software & Solutions
SAS develops a variety of analytical software programs for
conducting advanced analytics and managing data. Products
include programs for mining and analyzing large data sets,
visualization software, text analysis tools, and statistical
analysis and forecasting software, as well as data management tools to integrate multiple data sets and facilitate team collaboration. 
STATA Logo   Stata Data Analysis and Statistical Software 
Stata offers data analysis and statistical software for analyzing big data sets and producing charts, graphs, and other illustrations. The program performs a variety of statistical tests, such as ANOVA tests, linear regressions, cluster analysis, and multilevel models, and also offers tools for working with specialized data sets,
including panel/longitudinal data, time-series data,
survival/duration data, and survey data.   
IBM’s SPSS software performs statistical analyses, regression, and hypothesis testing, and produces charts and tables of the
findings. Add-ons to the software also enable advanced statistical analysis, customized tables, forecasting, and complex sampling. 
Microsoft Excel Logo    Microsoft Excel
Excel allows users to create and edit spreadsheets to organize data, perform complex analyses, and present findings in charts and graphs. When linked with Microsoft’s OneDrive cloud system, Excel also enables team collaboration in real-time.  
NVIVO Logo   NVivo by QSR International 
Designed to support qualitative and mixed methods research, NVivo software aids in analyzing, organizing, and mining
unstructured data sources like interviews, open-ended surveys, and social media texts. The software also aids in spotting trends and patterns in such data sources and creating visualizations of the results of the analysis.