Social Media Visualization


Gephi Logo   Gephi
This free visualization software allows users to produce dynamic graphs to make and test hypotheses and discover patterns and trends in imported data. The software utilizes layout algorithms to shape network graphs and standard social network analysis metrics to visualize how networks may change over time. 
Netlytic Logo   Netlytic
Netlytic captures posts and data from social media sites,
including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, and allows users to discover popular topics and social networks among the posts. Users can also build visualizations that illustrate social
networks and map geo-coded location data from the social
media posts. 
NodeXL Logo   NodeXL
With NodeXL, users can create network graphs using imported data sets from Microsoft Excel and data from social media sites. The software can calculate metrics like degree, centrality,
clustering coefficients, and graph density, and it allows users to filter data and customize the color, shape, size, and labels of data points.